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Ghisiliera Apartmentsis a two-story building on a quiet cottages tree-lined street (via Ghisiliera), strategically located just outside the ancient walls. From there you can start, with a short walk under the Bologna Porticoes, to explore the historic center of Bologna.
Ghisiliera Apartments, despite the proximity to the historical center, it is accessible by car, being just outside the restricted traffic area.
Access by car to Ghisiliera Apartments it’s very easy from the Bologna ring and highway. Access to public transport is nearby, and it takes 10 -15 minutes to reach all the main business and shopping centers of the city.
This will allow you to spend a perfect holiday discovering Bologna without giving up all the comforts of home.
bus 36 (from the square just outside the Station). The bus runs via Marconi, via Lame,via San Felice, the first stop of via Saffi (it takes 15 minutes), descend, follow via Ambrosini, short road that ends just in front of Ghisiliera Apartments. FROM THE AIRPORT: Taxi: it costs about 20 euros and it takes 15-20 minutes Airbus: it ends its journey in the railway station. Then you can take the bus as discribed above. It costs 6 euros and it takes about 30 minutes.
Motorway exit Bologna / Padova, then exit n.7 of the external ring road of Bologna downtwon direction. Then Via Stalingrado and get the internal ring of Bologna downtown direction in the direction of Porta San Felice.
PARKING: We do not have private parking area. You can park your car in the street and around via Ghisiliera, day payment, or in a public garage in Via Ghisiliera .