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This elegant apartment , roomy and comfortable, is on 2 floor (ground floor 90sq. m., and mezzanine 60 sq.m.), and it is entirely furnished with antiques.
On the ground floor : the kitchen that is fully equipped with a fridge, a microwave oven, a stove and a dishwasher, and a double wide living room : dinner area and living area that holds two sofas and a wide TV.
Additionally a huge bathroom with a shower stall.
On the mezzanine: two sleeping areas one with a comfortable king-size bed, a second one with a queen-size bed and a large wardrobe.
The apartment has a number of comforts, including A/C and heating, both with a thermostat that allows to control the room temperature.
Other available amenities: sheets, towels, hairdryer, iron, extra single bed or crib (both available on request when booking), free Wi-fi connection and a shared laundry area with a free washing machine.